Monday, September 27, 2010

We Need Prose Writers!

Okay, folks, so we've got a bunch of poets on board, some who have submitted and some who will be submitting soon.  We've also got a lot of artists interested in getting their work into the zine.  But...prose writers!  We need you guys to jump on this!  I'm re-posting the Prose Submission Guidelines below so that you can see what we're looking for, but we need you!  Prose + Poetry + Art + Athens = Proetry...we can't do it without the Prose!

Prose Submission Guidelines:

Please submit prose pieces less than 4,000 words for the first issue.  Put "Prose Submission" & the genre (Fiction, Non-Fiction, etc.) in the Subject of the Email.  Please send each prose piece in a separate email.  Please include contact info at the top or bottom of each email as well.  Please only submit 1 prose piece per person, as there are not that many editors right now and we need time to review the works.  Send all submissions to:
Thanks everyone for your interest!  Hoping to see your work in our inbox soon!

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