Friday, February 4, 2011

Athens Writing Community Upcoming Events, February-Early March, 2011

Athens, GA Writing Community Upcoming Events

2/22/11 @ 10:30am - Q&A Session With Poet and Author Eileen Myles, located at 261 Park Hall.
Myles is winner of the Shelley Award from the Poetry Society of America in 2010. She has published poetry since the 1970s. Myles is professor emeritus at the University of California San Diego, where she directed the writing program from 2002-2007.
Email for more info:

2/23/11 @ 9:30pm-ish - Awesome Show, located at Flicker Bar (263 W. Washington St.)
A poetry/potluck/flo fiesta hosted by Christopher Ingham, who will make it rock.
For more info, be on the lookout for flyers around town!

2/23/11 @ Midnight – Deadline for Submissions to Proetry, the print edition!
Submit your work before this date so that we can get it printed in the mid-March edition!
Email for more info:

2/23/11 @ 10pm - Deadline for Submission of Col-Ath-Po #1.
If you have the Collaborative Athens Poetics piece, please bring it to Daily Groceries Co-Op by closing time!
Email for more info:

2/24/11 @ 4:30pm - Georgia Colloquium in 18th & 19th Century Lit., located at 265 Park Hall.
Sponsored by the Willson Center and English Department. Paul Kelleher, Emory University, discusses Foucault's work on sexuality and madness in relation to 18th-century Britain.
Link for more info:

2/28/11 @ 8:30pm - Live Poets Society Open Mic, located at Flicker Bar (263 W. Washington St.)
Poetry open mic, alternating with Goodbye Open Mic at Dog Ear
Email for more info: or

2/28/11 @ 8pm - VOX Reading Series, located at Cine (234 W. Hancock Ave.)
Presented by the UGA Creative Writing Program, featuring the works of novelist Josh Weil.
Link for more info:

3/2/11 @ 8pm - Word of Mouth Open Mic, located at The Globe (corner of Clayton & Lumpkin)
Poetry open mic with a featured poet in the middle.  March feature: Buddah!
Link to more info:

3/3/11 @ 7:30pm - Reading by Author Michael Ondaatje, located at the UGA Chapel.
Sponsored by the Creative Writing Program, English Department, President's Venture Fund and the Willson Center. Ondaatje, bestselling author of The English Patient, will read from his work. Ondaatje's work also encompasses memoir, poetry and film.
Email for more info:

3/4/11 through 3/5/11 - Conference on Children's Literature, located at The Georgia Center.
Sponsored by College of Education's Department of Language and Literacy Education. Culmination of the Georgia Book Award program. Winning children’s book authors and illustrator are invited each year to speak and accept their awards.
Link/email for more info:  -

3/7/11 @ 7pm - Goodbye Poetry Open Mic, located at Dog Ear Books (162 W. Clayton St.)
Poetry open mic, 1st & 3rd Mon. of every month.
Link to more info:

Check back with us often to see more Upcoming Writers' Events!  And feel free to email us at with any questions or info about new events.

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