Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Poetic Happenings

Okay, so this blog is about, Athens' New Online Lit Mag that we're currently accepting submissions for, but I also want it to be a place where we can discuss Poetic Happenings in the community, as well as in the world.

And I've got two announcements:  the first is that Poetic Soul was awesome last night!  Poetic Soul, if you don't know, is a weekly open mic for poets and acoustic musicians here in Athens, GA.  It's from 8-10pm on Tuesday nights at New Earth Music Hall (sign-up at 8 so be there promptly please).  It's an awesome event, one you should definitely check out, and last night was fantastic!  We had a pretty big crowd, there was a bunch of awesome poets and musicians, and we had fun!  It's every Tuesday, so be sure to come check us out next week, or the week after, or the week after that...

Second Announcement:  Next weekend, Oct. 7th-10th, the Dodge Poetry Festival is happening in Newark, NJ.  We are heading up there because it is always an amazing weekend and a great festival and I wouldn't miss it for the world!  Tickets are on sale on their site, or via phone.  Here's a link to the festival site:
You should all come if you can!  It's always an awesome time and there are always amazingly talented poets who come out for this festival every other year.  Come be a part of it!  Hope to see you there!

Monday, September 27, 2010

We Need Prose Writers!

Okay, folks, so we've got a bunch of poets on board, some who have submitted and some who will be submitting soon.  We've also got a lot of artists interested in getting their work into the zine.  But...prose writers!  We need you guys to jump on this!  I'm re-posting the Prose Submission Guidelines below so that you can see what we're looking for, but we need you!  Prose + Poetry + Art + Athens = Proetry...we can't do it without the Prose!

Prose Submission Guidelines:

Please submit prose pieces less than 4,000 words for the first issue.  Put "Prose Submission" & the genre (Fiction, Non-Fiction, etc.) in the Subject of the Email.  Please send each prose piece in a separate email.  Please include contact info at the top or bottom of each email as well.  Please only submit 1 prose piece per person, as there are not that many editors right now and we need time to review the works.  Send all submissions to:
Thanks everyone for your interest!  Hoping to see your work in our inbox soon!

Monday, September 20, 2010

New Happenings at

There have been a ton of exciting things happening here at since we last posted: first of all, Athens Word of Mouth website now links to, and, secondly, Yoko Ono is now following us on Twitter!  If you haven't checked us out on Twitter yet, the name is ProetryEditor (that's me!).  If you need to contact us via email, the address is:  Hope you had as great a week as we did!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Accepting Submissions for our First Issue!

Hello, world.  We are now accepting submissions for our first issue, which is due out in January, 2011.  We are accepting Poetry, Prose & Art from now until the end of November, 2010.  There will be no pre-picked theme for this issue, but we will try to choose pieces that seem to stem from a common thread when we go through all of the pieces we receive.  I am posting the submission guidelines below.  Please contact for more info.  Thanks for your interest!  Hope to see some of your work in our inbox, or to see that you came to visit us once the new issue is up!

Submission guidelines:
Poetry - Please only submit 3 poems per person.  Put "Poetry Submission" in the Subject of the Email.  Please send each poem in a separate email to  Please include contact info at the top or bottom of each email as well.  No poems longer than 2 pages will be accepted.
Prose - Please submit prose pieces less than 4,000 words for the first issue.  Put "Prose Submission" & the genre (Fiction, Non-Fiction, etc.) in the Subject of the Email.  Please send each prose piece in a separate email to  Please include contact info at the top or bottom of each email as well.  Please only submit 1 prose piece per person, as there are not that many editors right now and we need time to review the works.
Art - Please only submit 3 pieces of artwork per person.  I am not sure as of yet if the site designer will prefer .PDF files or .JPG files, but I will let you know as soon as I know.  Put "Art Submission" in the Subject of the Email & attach the files to the email, one artwork per email.  Send to:

 If you go to the website to check it out (, right now there is just a Site Under Construction notice posted and the website is still setup as the old format, but please come back to see us in January!  Please submit all work via email, as we are no longer accepting submissions directly through the website, while it is under construction.  Thanks!